한국 의사 직업 만족도에 미치는 영향 요인 분석 > 수록논문

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한국 의사 직업 만족도에 미치는 영향 요인 분석

페이지 정보

작성자 의료정책연구원
조회 1,101회 작성일 20-06-03 16:10


한국 의사 직업 만족도에 미치는 영향 요인 분석
Factors Affecting Korean Physician Job Satisfaction

저자 : 오영인, 김형수, 김계현
게재날짜 : 2019. 7. 30. 
학회지 : International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Vol.16 No.15

초 록

This study examines job satisfaction of physicians in Korea and investigates factors affecting their satisfaction. The majority of

the past studies tend to cover few minor factors— including stress and occupation professionality or insufficient scale of

respondents in particular regions—thus leading to restricted explanations on job satisfaction of the overall physician pool in Korea.

This study examines the level of job satisfaction of physicians in Korea and factors affecting their satisfaction by using the ‘2016

Korean Physician Survey (KPS)’ data which included all physicians in Korea. Ordinal logistic regression analysis was conducted in

this study in order to identify the factors affecting job satisfaction of physicians in terms of care environment attributes.

These attributes included autonomy for care delivery, colleagues/ staff/patient relations, income, healthcare resources, social

reputation, personal leisure time, administration, restrictions and regulations, and work hours and loads. For the ordinal logistic

regression analysis, general sociodemographic attributes, such as gender, age, specialty, job position, type of affiliated healthcare

organization, working region, and length of service were controlled beforehand. The result of our measures, the affecting factors

of job satisfaction for physicians, include being able to; maintain positive relations with patients through adequate time for

consultation and necessary healthcare, have the autonomy to make clinical decisions, have healthy relations with peers and staff,

obtain respect from family and society, work in an environment with desirable income and have adequate health resources, and

have appropriate work hours and loads for those who facilitate highquality care. Creating an environment in which physicians can

focus on patient-oriented healthcare will contribute to promoting national healthcare. 


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